Finance is a dynamic and rapidly evolving element of business in any sector and this is perhaps particularly true in Litigation Funding currently. As litigation funding and litigation finance evolves and as legislation changes investors, insurers, lenders and law firms must adapt to the changing needs of the market. Sourcing the most appropriate finance product from a range of lenders and/ or Litigation Funders can be time consuming and can be a difficult process to navigate.
Because the litigation funders return is tied to the outcome of the case they are, understandably, incentivised to fund cases with high prospects of success. They will also examine how able the opposing party will be to pay the damages where the claim is successful.
Should you not be able to access Litigation Finance for any reason we can talk to you about alternative financial solutions. This may allow cases to be brought where the legal team is confident about the likely success of the case for reasons that maybe don’t inspire the same level of confidence in the litigation funder.
We may also be able to offer alternatives to portfolio litigation funding allowing legal firms to borrow at lower cost whilst retaining control over how to spend the working capital.
Third Party non-recourse litigation funding may provide an element of the resources required for you to take your case forward but may not fund all of the costs involved.
The litigant may require alternative financing options as seed funding to obtain a legal opinion with which to approach a litigation funder or to help conclude on the next steps.
We have extensive experience of working with Corporate clients and law firms to provide the best financial solutions.
This type of lending may not be contingent on the likely success of litigation or arbitration but on the financial strength of the business as a whole. We are able to source finance for law firms and Corporate clients against HMRC liabilities (VAT and Corporation Tax).
Finance is available to law firms for Aged Debt and Disbursement Costs and for Corporate clients looking to securitise assets (property, equipment, debtors) to achieve liquidity and to pay for legal fees.
Novo Modo is able to provide financing solutions for all aspects of your law practice. Our scope provides traditional and innovative ways to source finance for either the law firm or the claimant.
We can source lending for corporate claimants directly through their business.
We can source finance for law firms to generate the working capital necessary to take cases forward whether that be on a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) or a Damages Based Agreement (DBA). This may be as a stand alone arrangement or as part of a framework in place incorporating Third Party Litigation Funding, After the Event (ATE) Insurance and/ or direct payment from the client.
As your law firm grows we can finance the purchase of new premises and refurbishment costs.
As brokers, we offer financial loan services to clients in many commercial environments and for all aspects of business growth and development.
We may be able to facilitate access to working capital from across a panel of over 150 lenders with a broader scope than traditionally taken by funders focussing solely on litigation finance products.
“An effective system of civil justice is one of the cornerstones of a civilised society. Without it businesses could not trade, individuals could not enforce their civil liberties and governments could not be challenged”
(Reforming Civil Litigation Funding and Costs in England and Wales. Implementation of Lord Justice Jackson’s Recommendations. The Government Response. Ministerial Foreword. The Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke. QC, MP. Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Jonathan Djanogly MP, Justice Minister, March 2011)
Registered office: NOVO MODO LITIGATION FINANCE LTD.. 24 Castle Street, Chester, United Kingdom, CH1 2DS company Number 15780783
ICO Reference: ZB757135